Sunburst Spray Roses - Las Vegas Florist - Same-Day Delivery
Sunburst Spray Roses - Las Vegas Florist - Same-Day Delivery
Experience the serene beauty of our Sunburst Spray Roses floral arrangement from Bud Weismiller. Thoughtfully curated with red and yellow spray roses, complemented by gunnii eucalyptus, this bouquet offers both visual and sensory stimulation. This bouquet is versitile in that it can say "Happy Birthday", "I love you", or "Sorry For Your Loss". Always made-to-order and available 24/7 for delivery throughout Las Vegas, Henderson, and beyond
- Mixed Spray Roses
- Standard: 12+ Roses
- Premium: 18+ Roses
- Luxury: 24+ Roses
- Greenery & Filler
- Card, care instructions & packet of flower food
Regular price
$48.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$48.00 USD
Unit price
*Customizable note section in cart to include in enclosure card*
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