Sweet Pumpkin Fall Flower Arrangement
Sweet Pumpkin Fall Flower Arrangement
Discover the elegance of our pastel rose arrangement, featuring blush pink and cream roses paired with burgundy lisianthus and variegated seasonal greenery beautifully arranged in a soft green, pumpkin-shaped vase (colors may vary). Perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any space, this unique floral design is handcrafted-to-order with love in Henderson and available for delivery across the Las Vegas Valley. Order now from Bud Weismiller Flowers and bring joy in bloom to your home or special event.
Specifications: Standard (more than 12 Yellow Spray Roses), Premium (more than 18 Yellow Spray Roses), Luxury (more than 24 Yellow Spray Roses) beautifully arranged with seasonal greenery. Includes a small enclosure card, care instructions, and packet of flower food.
*Customizable note section in cart to include in enclosure card*