The Viva Las Vegas Hand-Tied Bouquet
The Viva Las Vegas Hand-Tied Bouquet
This fun, hand-tied bouquet filled with brightly colored spray roses and hydrangea wrapped in black and white tissue with a black ribbon. Presented in long-stem form, so you can use a vase you already have, you can be send yourself or a loved one flowers and be environmentally and wallet friendly. Our hand-tied bouquets are always made-to-order in Henderson and are available for delivery 24/7 throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
Specifications: seasonal varieties of spray roses and hydrangea, Standard (10 stems), Premium (20 stems), Luxury (30 stems), wrapped in cellophane and tissue, and bundled with a ribbon. Includes a small enclosure card, flower food, and care instructions.
You can read our tips about flower care and keeping your blooms hydrated here.
You can also ready the Society of American Florist tips and tricks as well here.