A Dozen Pink Roses - Classic and Elegant Same-Day Delivery Throughout Las Vegas
A Dozen Pink Roses - Classic and Elegant Same-Day Delivery Throughout Las Vegas
Experience the timeless allure of our Pink Roses bouquet, meticulously made-to-order by our skilled florists in Henderson and delivering throughout Las Vegas. Featuring the freshest, highest-quality dozen pink roses, this arrangement is perfect for any occasion. Enjoy convenient local Las Vegas delivery and surprise your loved ones with the exquisite beauty of A Dozen Pink Roses today!
Specifications: Standard: 12+ Roses, Premium: 18+ Roses, Luxury: 24+ Roses, Up-cycled Vase, Greenery & Filler, Card, Care Instructions & Packet of Flower Food.
You can read our tips about flower care and keeping your blooms hydrated here.
You can also read the Society of American Florist tips and tricks as well here.
*Customizable note section in cart to include in enclosure card*