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How to Make Fresh-Cut Flowers Last Longer

How to Make Fresh-Cut Flowers Last Longer (Without Giving Them a TED Talk)

So, you’ve just picked up some gorgeous fresh-cut flowers from Bud Weismiller Flowers (because obviously, you’ve got excellent taste), and you want these beauties to last longer than a Vegas weekend. You’re in luck! Here’s a foolproof, hilarious guide to keeping your fresh-cut flowers looking fabulous for as long as possible. Follow these steps, and your bouquet will thank you. Let’s dive in!

1. Snip Snip, Baby!

First things first, fresh-cut flowers need a good trim. Think of it as giving them a well-deserved haircut after their long journey to your home. Use sharp scissors or a knife to cut the stems at a 45-degree angle—this isn’t just for show, it actually helps them absorb more water! It’s like giving your flowers a VIP pass to a hydration party. Don’t use dull kitchen scissors, though—your fresh-cut flowers deserve better.

2. Water Like They’re Goldfish (But Better)

Next, your fresh-cut flowers are going to need fresh water. Fill your vase about halfway with lukewarm water, because just like us, flowers don’t like to be cold! Change the water every two days. Think of it as their version of a spa day—they need that fresh, relaxing soak. In short, the cleaner their water, the longer your fresh-cut flowers will stay stunning.

3. Location, Location, Location!

Now, where you place your fresh-cut flowers matters. They love cool, shady spots, so avoid placing them in direct sunlight or near heat sources like radiators or sunny windows. If you’re tempted to put them next to ripening fruit, resist! Ripening fruits release ethylene gas, which can cause your fresh-cut flowers to wilt faster than you can say “I should’ve listened.”

4. Feed Me, Seymour!

Just like you need your morning coffee, fresh-cut flowers need food. Thankfully, we’ve got that covered with the flower food packet you’ll receive with your order from Bud Weismiller Flowers. No flower food? No problem! You can make your own by adding a spoonful of sugar and a dash of apple cider vinegar to the water. It’s like a green juice cleanse, but for fresh-cut flowers.

5. Give Them Space, Karen

Fresh-cut flowers need room to breathe. If your vase is overcrowded, they’ll start fighting for space and water, and trust me, that’s not a pretty sight. Use a vase that’s large enough to allow each flower to spread out and soak up water. The more room they have, the longer your fresh-cut flowers will thrive.

6. Pluck the Drama Queens

If any flowers in your bouquet start to wilt, remove them immediately. Wilted flowers can cause others to follow suit faster than a trend on TikTok. By removing the fading flowers, you help the rest of your fresh-cut flowers stay healthy and vibrant for longer.

7. The Aspirin Trick

Here’s a weird but effective hack: drop a crushed aspirin into the water. Just like aspirin works wonders for your headaches, it helps prevent bacteria from growing in the vase water, keeping your fresh-cut flowers looking lively.

8. Vodka for the Win

You read that right. A few drops of vodka in the water can also help preserve your fresh-cut flowers. It’s like a mini party for them (but don’t overdo it—they’re lightweight). The vodka kills off bacteria, so your flowers can stay fresh and fabulous longer.

9. Keep ‘Em Cool, Keep ‘Em Fresh

One of the best-kept secrets for keeping fresh-cut flowers longer is to keep them cool—literally. If you can, place your flowers in the fridge overnight. This helps slow down the aging process and keeps your fresh-cut flowers looking like they just walked off the runway. Just make sure they’re not next to any leftover pizza!

10. Avoid Extreme Situations

Lastly, be mindful of extremes. Fresh-cut flowers don’t like drafts, intense sunlight, or sudden changes in temperature. In other words, keep them in a calm, cool environment, and they’ll reward you with their long-lasting beauty.

Keep Your Fresh-Cut Flowers Looking Fabulous

By following these easy tips, your fresh-cut flowers will last longer than you ever thought possible. And let’s be honest, you’ll feel like a floral pro. The next time you pick up a bouquet from Bud Weismiller Flowers, you’ll know exactly how to treat them right.

Whether you’re sending flowers to a loved one or treating yourself, our fresh-cut flowers are always handcrafted with care and delivered with love. Visit us at to order your next bouquet and keep your home looking fresh with the best blooms in Las Vegas!

With these simple steps, your fresh-cut flowers will be the envy of all. Show off your flower care skills, and don’t forget: for the freshest, most beautiful blooms, Bud Weismiller Flowers has your back! Don't believe us? Check out the American Society of Florists tips here.

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